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GPR Webinar | Complex Case Series - Multidisciplinary algorithm for the troubleshooting of prosthesis-related complications

GPR Webinar | Complex Case Series - Multidisciplinary algorithm for the troubleshooting of prosthesis-related complications

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The aim of this GPR webinar is to present a systematic multidisciplinary troubleshooting algorithm to help standardize and facilitate long-term voice prosthesis management in patients who have had a laryngectomy, reducing the number out-patient appointments and the subsequent burden to the healthcare professionals, as well as reducing costs to the healthcare system.

Learning objectives

  • Understand Prosthesis-Related Complications
  • Familiarity with Late Complications Management
  • Application of Multidisciplinary Algorithm
  • Standardization of Outpatient Management
  • Optimization of Long-Term Care
  • Enhanced Clinician Efficiency
  • Promotion of Rehabilitation with Voice Prosthesis

Timed agenda

0-5 Welcome
5-25 Voice prosthesis related complication
25-45 Multidisciplinary algorithm: a standardization of VP management
45-65 Optimization of long term care and clinical efficiency
65-90 Moderated Q&A

    Dr. Ylenia Longobardi, SLP MSc

    Dr. Ylenia Longobardi is a Speech-language therapist since 2013, and is employed at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart and Gemelli Hospital in Rome, Italy. She is specialized in vocal, olfactory and pulmonary rehabilitation of the laryngectomized patient and in the rehabilitation of oncological, organic, functional and neurological vocal disorders. She graduated in psychology in 2010, and obtained a double specialization course in Psycho-oncology in 2013 and in 2016.

    Dr. Longobardi has a Master's degree in Rehabilitation Sciences of the Health Professions at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart. Since 2018 she is professor, holder of the teaching: "Speech therapy in vocal pathologies" and teaching tutor in the Degree Course in Speech Therapy at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart. She is a speaker at national and international conferences and the author of 28 publications in international scientific journals relating to the rehabilitation of vocal pathologies and, in particular, of the laryngectomized patient with voice prosthesis.

    Dr. Claudio Parrilla, MD PhD

    Dr. Claudio Parrilla is a Head and Neck Surgeon at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart and Gemelli Hospital in Rome, Italy. Dr Parrilla has graduated from the Catholic university of Sacred Heart in Rome and he completed his residentship at Gemelli Hospital with partnership at Center Hospital University CHU in Nantes, France. He did his PhD at Catholic University of Sacred Heart, in Rome as well as a post-doc Fellowship in Hannover.

    Since 2012, Claudio Parilla has been the scientific coordinator of the annual international course on Voice prosthesis rehabilitation in Rome, in the international Global Post-Laryngectomy Rehabilitation Academy (GPRA) Program. He is member of the Italian Society of Otolarngology (SIO) and the Italian Society of cervico-cephalic Oncology (AIOCC). He has among more than 70 Publications focused predominantly on Head and Neck cancer and has published in the field of Voice Prosthesis Rehabilitation in Laryngectomized patients."


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